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Aaron Kruse

Running for:

1. Chair

2. Vice-Chair

3. Communications Director


Candidate Statement: About 15 minutes after I was elected Chair of DA China, Ada Shen, the "founding mother" of our country committee, congratulated me and said: "So you're planning to go to the global meeting in Washington, DC in two weeks, right?" I hadn't been planning to attend, but I bought tickets that same day. And that's pretty much how my life has gone since then. 


Over the past two years our leadership team has put in an incredible amount of work, and every single member deserves a huge commendation for their efforts in setting up a functioning country committee. As Chair, I've stayed focused on only one goal: Building up an organization that can help Americans living in China get involved so that more Democrats in the US are elected to office. If elected as Chair for a second term, I will build upon our progress by organizing chapters outside of Beijing and Shanghai and improving our GOTV efforts so that we are well-prepared for success in 2019 and 2020.


Endorsement: I would like to take the time here to nominate Aaron for another term on the leadership board, being Chair of a new country committee is not easy work, it took patience and determination and I know Aaron has and will continue to give DA China his all. - Samantha Wong


Endorsement: I am happy to nominate Aaron Kruse for re-election as Chair of Democrats Abroad China.  - Faith Gary


Endorsement: Aaron has put a ton of effort into Democrats Abroad. His level of commitment and focus has really kept me motivated over the last two years. I have known Aaron since May 2017, when we were both elected to the leadership board of Democrats Abroad China. He has taken the role of Chair extremely seriously. He presents himself professionally and is not only an assertive leader, but also attentive to those around him. He is careful to consider the process as well as the final product in project management, which is helpful in delegating and prioritizing tasks. He really gets things done. 


He is also a nice boy from Iowa, earnest and diligent. He is genuinely passionate about building the organization so that we can make a difference in the world. He is willing to put in the time to ensure an event or project is successful.  In addition to leading our team in China, he has also volunteered for very time-consuming committees at the global level of DA. I have no idea how many hours he must have logged on conference calls with DA in the past 2 years.


I am very pleased to endorse Aaron Kruse for the leadership board.

   - Elizabeth Jenkins

***Endorsement: Aaron has been an energetic, clear-headed, and committed Chair of DA China. Our country committee is among the newest in the world, but that did not stop him from leading us to make waves with DA Global over the past two years, vaulting into the top-ten biggest country committees by membership almost instantly. Moreover, I had the pleasure of traveling with Aaron to the DA Annual Global Meeting in Tokyo last year, where I watched him effectively whip votes and secure passage for the important "One person one vote" measure (they even named the measure after him: the "Kruse Amendment"). He has also guided our monthly leadership board meetings with the ease and efficiency of a manager twice his age. Aaron's exceptional maturity and vision make him an ideal candidate to continue leading DA China, and I endorse him without reservation. - Chris Zombik


The biggest lesson of the past two years is the importance of elections. They matter. A lot. Judges matter. Congress matters. Appointments matter. And while it's easy to voice support for what you care about, it takes talent, hard work, and a little luck to actually make a difference.

For the last two years, Aaron has helped DA China make a difference. Since formation two years ago, Aaron has led the effort to expand DA China nationwide to span several cities across China and obtain not one, but three votes in the Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA). The result? In 2018 alone, DA China helped over 1400 Americans participate in elections back home (9th highest DA voter turnout in the world, ahead of Canada, UK, and Australia). The work that we do here is important. Elections matter.

But more importantly is Aaron's personal dedication to the cause. I've seen firsthand how willing Aaron is to help do the hard work to make GOTV a success, to get in the trenches and help personally register voters, print out ballots, etc. At every stage of the process, Aaron was there to contribute his time and energy. He's earned my trust, and I hope you'll give him a chance to earn yours as well.
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." For the last two years that Aaron has been Chair, DA China has been on an upwards trajectory towards success. Given his track record, expertise, and knowledge, I am confident that, as Chair, Aaron can continue moving us towards greater heights. - Addison Yang

***Endorsement: Aaron has been doing a great job as chair of DA China and puts in a lot of time. He is clearly devoted to the work that we are doing.

- Justin Davis

***Endorsement: I writing to endorse Aaron Kruse for Chair, he is super passionate and has been a great leader for the past 2 years. I truly enjoy talking to and working with someone who is so passionate and driven for the democratic cause, and implementing systemic action.

-Kim Wong

***Endorsement: As a former organizer for Democrats Abroad in China for many years, I could not be more proud of the work the first elected Executive Committee team has achieved. DACN is one of the most dynamic country committees in all of Democrats Abroad, and in many ways those in China have a unique opportunity — and face unique challenges — for meaningful engagement and growth of the Democratic voter base in China. 


I hereby strongly endorse both Aaron Kruse and Elizabeth Jenkins for Leadership Board, as well as either National Chair or National Vice Chair ExCom Officer positions (as they may decide). They stepped up to the plate in a big way and took on a huge organizing task in the aftermath of 2016. The fight is far from over, nor is the work complete -- I feel that DA China will have the strongest and most meaningful opportunity to elect more and better Democrats under their continued executive leadership.  

- Ada Shen

***Endorsement: I met Aaron through the Tokyo Democrats Abroad meet up and was instantly impressed by both his incredible enthusiasm and his grasp of what truly matters. He held his own in debates against much older members, and often brought more salient points more clearly. Additionally, he has been crucial this year to how much Democrats Abroad China has grown and has been able to affect change.

He is able to cut quickly to the issues at hand and structure alignment with the vision of Democrats Abroad. I trust him to continue his role as Chair. -Elaine Chow



Eileen Walsh

Running for:

1. At Large (non officer position)


Candidate Statement: My name is Eileen Walsh and I am running for an At-Large position on the leadership board.  Before moving to Beijing, I lived in Al Ain, a city in Abu Dhabi, and voted through Democrats Abroad there.  I have been in Beijing since August, 2016, teaching at Daystar Academy. Through my membership in DACN, I have found friendship as well as opportunities to become involved in U.S. politics.  I appreciate how important voter registration is to DACN, which is illustrated by the relentless efforts to make sure people are registered to vote, as well as assistance with casting ballots.  I have benefitted from voter registration and voting assistance and I would like to repay those benefits by continuing on my journey of involvement with DACN. 

When President Obama was elected, I was proud of my country for having elected him.  I felt that our country was in good hands and did not think much about politics, to be honest.  With the current administration running the show, I realize that regardless of who is in the White House, being involved in politics is essential.  The buck doesn’t stop in the Oval Office; we all bear responsibility for how our country is run and must be involved in how it is run.  We can’t leave things to one president or one administration.  I accept that responsibility and would like the opportunity to continue and expand my participation in our country’s governance by serving the members of Democrats Abroad China as a Member-at-Large.


Endorsement: I am so pleased to endorse Eileen Walsh for the leadership board. Over the last two years, I have come to expect to see her at every Democrats Abroad event in Beijing. She almost always attends and participates actively. I can easily recall her participating in election watch parties, voter trainings, women's caucus events, and book clubs. I think she would be an excellent addition to the leadership board. - Elizabeth Jenkins

***Endorsement: I would like to strongly support Eileen Walsh - Ada Shen

Wechat ID: emwalsh


Elaine Chow

Running for:

1. Communications Director

2. At Large (non-officer position)


Candidate Statement: Hello everyone, I’m Elaine - originally a New Yorker (and now a registered voter in Maryland) with a long history of volunteering in various organizations, both political and charitable. I began getting involved with Democrats Abroad China soon after the 2016 election, and am now excited to work with the passionate people I’ve met here in a more organized capacity.

I’ve been living in China on-and-off since 1997, where amongst other things I’ve founded a charity to connect Chinese minority children to educational opportunities, run (one of the most read English-language websites on China), and managed marketing strategy & creative teams for several Fortune 100 clients. In my most recent foray out of China, I became President of my MBA class at the University of Cambridge, where I also helped manage communications activities for an Education funding initiative for Kenyan elementary schools and media relations for a government-sponsored event connecting Silicon Valley to UK entrepreneurs.

I’m running now for the Director of Communications and Information Technology position. As a long-time journalist and marketing executive used to running highly agile teams across multiple media platforms, I hope my experience and skill sets can help push awareness of DA China and its content to the next level.

My Goals Are:

-         To upgrade our digital platforms to push outreach further

-         To help create and schedule more captivating content

-         To build a strategic framework for social media & SEO that raises our engagement, with KPI

-         To interface with media and other organizations to help support our voter registration initiatives

Endorsement: I have been friends with Elaine for over 6 years now and she is competent, passionate, and dedicated to Democrats Abroad. She was one of the few members from China to attend the AsiaPac Convention. We always talk about politics and care deeply for our country and want systemic positive social change. She is articulate and detailed and can explain highly complicated topics into little nuggets that are digestible for all. I have seen her in many other fun roles such as a bilingual host for events, and even beyond the excellent work ethic, she's just funny and a pleasure to work with and be around. As an added bonus, she was able to get in touch with her cousin Krista Suh (Creator of the Pussyhat) to help me coordinate and record a video for DA China. I am more than sure she can contribute a lot to 2020 in Beijing. - Kimberley Wong

***Endorsement: I am very pleased to endorse Elaine Chow for Communications Director of Democrats Abroad China. -Elizabeth Jenkins 

***Endorsement: I would like to strongly support Elaine Chow - Ada Shen

Wechat ID: elainification


Faith Gary

Running for:

1. Communications Director


Candidate Statement: I am both humbled and pleased to accept the nomination as Director of Communications and Technology for Democrats Abroad China (DACN). Allow me to offer details about my qualifications for this position. 


For the past two years I have been an active member of DACN. In my capacity as an at-large board member, I have regularly attended meetings and events in support of our mission. 


Beyond that, I organized DACN participation in events surrounding the movie premiere of “Black Panther” last year, as a way to draw in discussion of diverse American political issues. 


I have also conducted focus groups to communicate with potential Democratic Party voters living in China, in an effort to gain insight on what attracts and what repels these voters. I recognized after 2016 that this demographic represents numbers that could swing an election in either direction. The efforts have been quite revealing, in that I’ve come to understand the importance of presenting a coherent message about what the Democratic Party has to offer. Leading up to the 2020 elections, literally *NOTHING* is more important than making our positions and offerings clear to the voting public, both domestic and abroad. 


This is the work of a Communications Director; not an easy task. Yet I stand ready and equipped to accept the challenge. I am a teacher here in China, but my original major - a subject I happen to love - is Communications. The idea of putting my talents, energy, and passion to work for DACN excites and motivates me. 


I have no question about what I am prepared to do to advance Democratic ideals for the United States of America. The only question that remains, is will you accept me?


Endorsement: Faith Gary is a pillar of the community, who contributes and volunteers in every capacity.  She donates her time online and offline to the Democratic Party and takes the mission of organization to heart.  She takes it upon herself to moderate disagreements, and remind us all of our common purpose.  She never fails to be civil, to communicate clearly, and to treat all parties as human.


I am nominating her position of communications director (though she could probably excel in any number of roles) because of her ability to craft a powerful message that presents herself and the Democratic Party in the best light, and can impartially mediate between internal parties.  She is dedicated, aware of events, and more than capable of keeping all members informed.


While faith over reason is an affliction that has infected our politics, faith in Faith and her abilities is empirically justified.   - Jesse Slater


Endorsement: Faith is one of the most respected leaders on the current DA China leadership team, and bring clear-headed thinking to difficult situations. She's been a very positive influence on me, and on many other members of DA China. She also helps us stay focused on the activism that we can do in the present to have an impact, and inspires others to learn about issues that are often lost in political conversation. - Aaron Kruse

***Endorsement: Faith has been a steady presence and promotes a respectful and diverse atmosphere. She represents voices that need to be heard. - Justin Davis

***Endorsement: I would like to strongly support Faith Gary. - Ada Shen




Justin Fischer

Running for:

1. Communications Director

2. At Large (non officer position)


Candidate Statement: I am uniquely qualified for the position of Communications Director. Communications has been my line of work for the past 13 years. I have worked in print and digital media and served as the Managing Editor at two of Shanghai's best-known English publications: SmartShanghai and CityWeekend. I have also served as the Marketing Manager of an e-commerce start-up, where I oversaw the creation of content and messaging and established brand awareness by organizing offline events and community building. I currently hold a leadership position at GHC, a regional PR and Communications firm, where I help international clients craft their messaging and build awareness in China.


I have lived in Shanghai since 2005, but I'm a newcomer to Democrats Abroad. As with so many of us, 2016 was a pivotal year for me. I grew increasingly frustrated at the state of affairs back home. Being in China, I couldn't go to a protest. I couldn't canvas. I couldn't convince people to sign petitions. Last summer, I reached out to Vice Chair Sam Wong and asked her to put me to work. I started devoting weekend afternoons to helping Americans register to vote in the 2018 midterm election. I took concrete actions to contribute to the results of that election. It was an empowering and rewarding experience.


After helping register voters, I organized and promoted the viewing party for the 2018 election that Democrats Abroad held at The Camel sports bar. In January of this year, I helped organize and promote a viewing party for the 2018 documentary "RBG" about Justice Ginsburg. After the viewing, I moderated a group discussion about the film and about the Equal Rights Amendment. I look forward to organizing similar events so we can get more like-minded Americans together and build a more informed and engaged electorate abroad.


Endorsement: Justin has been an amazing source of support this past year. When no one else was up for taking on GOTV tables, he was there almost every other weekend tabling. Since then he has been the first to volunteer this help when needed and has taken the initiative on planning and supporting events for our general membership in Shanghai.   - Samantha Wong

***Endorsement: I am writing to endorse Justin Fischer for Communications Chair. He is extremely experienced, dedicated, and a great writer. He’s organized events, and supported across any and all groups related to DA.He helped me launch the Women’s Caucus in Shanghai and has always been very dependable as both a fellow volunteer and as a friend.

 -Kim Wong

Email:; Wechat ID: JFisch


Patrick Cranley

Running for:


2. At-large (non officer position)


Candidate Statement: Hello China Dems – I’m Patrick Cranley, long-time resident of Shanghai and a consistent Democratic voter in Maryland, with close family in California, Montana, New York and Nevada. I run my own consulting business and served as an officer of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai for five years. I have worked on Democratic campaigns in the U.S. and raised money for the Democratic Party in China, and have been an enthusiastic participant in Democrats Abroad China activities since its re-energizing a few years ago. Our organization needs an experienced, trustworthy treasurer, and I would be delighted to serve in that capacity if you and our fellow members elect me to the DA China Executive Committee.


Endorsement:Patrick Cranley is level-headed and trustworthy with decades of business experience. I think he would serve DACN well as member of the board in the treasurer position. — Jim Spear, DACN Treasurer 2017-2019

***Endorsement: I would like to strongly support Patrick Cranley - Ada Shen

Email:; WechatID:patrickcranley
