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Saturday - September 23, 2017

For calls to Democrats Abroad

Saturday - October 21, 2017

Here is an updated script to call DA China members who vote in Virginia, script and call sheets below.SCRIPT -:

View file
nameVA STATE ELECTIONS SCRIPT - DA CHINA - Sep 20 Oct 21 2017.docx


View file

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  {% assign previous_address = false %}  {% assign household_member = false %}    <div class="listings">    {% for sheet in sheets %}    <div class="sheet dont-break {% if theme.each_group_own_page %}{% unless forloop.last %}break-after{% endunless %}{% endif %}">      <div class="dont-break-after clearfix">        <h2>{{sheet.key}}</h2>      </div>      <div class="meta group">        <div class="date width-15">          <h3>Date</h3>        </div>        <div class="start-time width-15">          <h3>Start time</h3>        </div>        <div class="canvasser-name width-25">          <h3>Volunteer first/last name</h3>        </div>      </div>      <table class="dont-break width-100 individuals">      {% for signup in sheet.signups %}
        {% assign this_address = signup.address %}
        {% if this_address.address1 == previous_address.address1 and this_address.address2 == previous_address.address2 %}          {% assign household_member = true %}        {% endif %}
        <tr class="individual{% if household_member %} household-member{% endif %} dont-break">
          <td class="name width-30">            {{ signup.last_name | upcase }}, {{ signup.first_name }} <span class="id">ID: {{ }} <br />{{ }}</span>            <div class="contact-field">              <h4>E:</h4> {{ }}            </div>            <div class="contact-field">              <h4>P:</h4> {{ signup.phone_number }}            </div>            <div class="contact-field">              <h4>M:</h4> {{ signup.mobile_number }}            </div>         </td>
          <td class="policy width-15">            <h3>Called?</h3>            <div class="issues"> <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Talked to Voter</span>            </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">No Answer</span>            </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Wrong Number / Disconnected</span>            </div>            </div>          </td>          <td class="policy width-15">            <div class="issues"> <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Do Not Call</span> </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Votes in Other State:. New state:_____</span> </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Not in China. New location:_____</span>  </div>            </div>          </td>          <td class="support-1 width-15">            <div class="support">              <h3>Will Vote?</h3>              <div class="support-o-meter">                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 1 %} current{% endif %}">                  1                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 2 %} current{% endif %}">                  2                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 3 %} current{% endif %}">                  3                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 4 %} current{% endif %}">                  4                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 5 %} current{% endif %}">                  5                </div>              </div>              <p>                <small>(1 YES - 3 MAYBE - 5 NO)</small>              </p>            </div>          </td>
          <td class="signup width-15">           <h3>Voting Plan</h3>            <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Registered to Vote</span>            </div>            <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Requested Ballot</span>            </div>            <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Needs Followup?</span>            </div>          </td>
          <td class="notes width-20">            <h3 class="subtle">Notes</h3>          </td>        </tr>
        {% assign previous_address = this_address %}        {% assign household_member = false %}
        {% endfor %}      </table>    </div>    {% endfor %}  </div></body></html>

Saturday - September 23, 2017

Here are the materials you'll need to call DA China members who vote in Virginia.

Print docs: (1) Script and (2) Call sheets -- 80 voters.

Members will need to use their own phones to make these calls. They are ordered by most recently joined, so you may find more problems with the phone numbers lower on the list.

The call results will need to be data entered. I can probably do that, but will need the paper (or photos of the paper) sent to me. 


(1) SCRIPT -

View file


 (Restricted because of member data.)