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rootBecome a DA Certified


WebEx Host

DA doesn't use WebEx Webex in the same way that many organizations do. We have developed a unique set of user protocols to help our meetings run smoothly. Our limited pool of accounts are used across the whole organization. That is why all DA WebEx Webex Hosts are required to take this training course. Skills learned here are also useful with other web conferencing platforms.


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Become a DA Certified Webex WebEx Host
Become a DA Certified Webex WebEx Host
nameWebEx Training Dates

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I already use WebEx Webex in my work, do I still need this course?
A: Yes, we run WebEx Webex differently than most organizations and we have a unique set of DA WebEx Webex Meeting Protocols that everyone needs to know. If you have sufficient experience with WebExWebex, or other conferencing platforms, think about joining our DA WebEx Webex Volunteer support team.

Q: Once I'm a Host, may I train my team to also host?
A: Not at this time. Please feel free to get them up to speed, but to be a Certified DA WebEx Webex Host, they must participate in a WebEx Webex Host Certification training and pass the Level-1 Host Certification Quiz.


If you have any remaining questions, the DA WebEx Webex team is here to help whenever possible. Contact us at: