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Saturday - September 23, 2017

For calls to Democrats Abroad China members who vote in Virginia, script and call sheets below.


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  {% assign previous_address = false %}  {% assign household_member = false %}    <div class="listings">    {% for sheet in sheets %}    <div class="sheet dont-break {% if theme.each_group_own_page %}{% unless forloop.last %}break-after{% endunless %}{% endif %}">      <div class="dont-break-after clearfix">        <h2>{{sheet.key}}</h2>      </div>      <div class="meta group">        <div class="date width-15">          <h3>Date</h3>        </div>        <div class="start-time width-15">          <h3>Start time</h3>        </div>        <div class="canvasser-name width-25">          <h3>Volunteer first/last name</h3>        </div>      </div>      <table class="dont-break width-100 individuals">      {% for signup in sheet.signups %}
        {% assign this_address = signup.address %}
        {% if this_address.address1 == previous_address.address1 and this_address.address2 == previous_address.address2 %}          {% assign household_member = true %}        {% endif %}
        <tr class="individual{% if household_member %} household-member{% endif %} dont-break">
          <td class="name width-30">            {{ signup.last_name | upcase }}, {{ signup.first_name }} <span class="id">ID: {{ }} <br />{{ }}</span>            <div class="contact-field">              <h4>E:</h4> {{ }}            </div>            <div class="contact-field">              <h4>P:</h4> {{ signup.phone_number }}            </div>            <div class="contact-field">              <h4>M:</h4> {{ signup.mobile_number }}            </div>         </td>
          <td class="policy width-15">            <h3>Called?</h3>            <div class="issues"> <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Talked to Voter</span>            </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">No Answer</span>            </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Wrong Number / Disconnected</span>            </div>            </div>          </td>          <td class="policy width-15">            <div class="issues"> <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Do Not Call</span> </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Votes in Other State:. New state:_____</span> </div><div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Not in China. New location:_____</span>  </div>            </div>          </td>          <td class="support-1 width-15">            <div class="support">              <h3>Will Vote?</h3>              <div class="support-o-meter">                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 1 %} current{% endif %}">                  1                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 2 %} current{% endif %}">                  2                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 3 %} current{% endif %}">                  3                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 4 %} current{% endif %}">                  4                </div>                <div class="support-level{% if signup.support_level == 5 %} current{% endif %}">                  5                </div>              </div>              <p>                <small>(1 YES - 3 MAYBE - 5 NO)</small>              </p>            </div>          </td>
          <td class="signup width-15">           <h3>Voting Plan</h3>            <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Registered to Vote</span>            </div>            <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Requested Ballot</span>            </div>            <div class="checkbox-field">              <span class="checkbox"></span>              <span class="text">Needs Followup?</span>            </div>          </td>
          <td class="notes width-20">            <h3 class="subtle">Notes</h3>          </td>        </tr>
        {% assign previous_address = this_address %}        {% assign household_member = false %}
        {% endfor %}      </table>    </div>    {% endfor %}  </div></body></html>