"I've Voted" Email Messaging How To
"I've Voted" Email Messaging How To
- help your members show off they've voted with an easy to share "I've voted" sticker
- grow understanding of which of your members engaged in voting this year
- provides a great excuse to nudge your members about getting their ballot request in (or checking the status of their ballots)
- helps you reach out to friends of members regarding voting (friends sharing voting messaging increases voting rates in friend sets)
Basic How to:
Write a short email that says something like this:
Already voted? Let us know!
Yay! Click here for an "I VOTED" sticker you can share on social media!
(Add this link to the text you'd like to hyperlink) https://response.democratsabroad.org/tagger/?id={{recipient.id}}&tag=2018Voted&redirect=thanks_for_voting
Head straight to votefromabroad.org. Any questions, ask help@democratsabroad.org
Advanced tip: Filter out already voted members who are tagged "2018Voted" - they are likely to have already received a sticker.
Many thanks to Alex for setting up this link and Amanda and Ada for spreading the word about it! |
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