Democrats Abroad Fundraising

The Democrats Abroad 2024 fundraising strategy is impact driven and donor focused. We aim to raise $1 million this year to support our efforts and win a trifecta this year.

We will do that by reaching out to potential donors with campaigns that give donors clear opportunities for maximizing their help to DA in areas where they care the most. The following resources are designed to help you create campaigns that make your ask easier.

Sample budget for goal setting
Budget for CC Fundraising & GOTV spend template

Campaign creation workshop and CC fundraising ideas
CC fundraising Workshop Slide Deck - last updated May 7, 2024

Campaign One Pager template (in Canva)

Online resources
QR code generator (Chrome extension)

DA 2024 Fundraising Team

  • Julia Bryan

  • Juan Cerda

  • Alan Cheilek

  • Karen Frankenstein

  • Angela Fobbs

  • Inge Kjemtrup

  • Jen Rakow-Stepper

  • Ann Reilly

  • Chris Reilly

Are you interested in a workshop, or running a joint fundraiser? Questions, feedback, ideas galore - we’d love to hear from you at!

Space contributors

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