Co-sponsors for Resolution to Establish a Special Committee on Country Committee Legal Compliance and Implementation Issues

Please note that the primary sponsor of this resolution submitted a timely revision to change the name to “Resolution to Establish a Special Committee on Country Committee Legal Compliance and Implementation Issues”. Regretfully, the name of the resolution was not changed for the May 14 final report and remained “Resolution to Establish a Special Committee on Legal Compliance”

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DPCA members

Linda Adeson ( UK, VFA Social Media Chair, DAUK Voter Reg & Assistance Co-Chair )

Austin Allaire ( United Kingdom, DPCA Voting Representative )

Onelica andrade ( Belgium, ViceChair Belgium, Chair of the Hispanic Caucus )

Christine Arzt ( Germany )

Natalie Bachiri ( Luxembourg, Chair )

Julian Becker ( United Kingdom )

Marjorie BERNSTEIN ( FRANCE, Treasurer, DA France and Voting Representative, DA France )

ElaiElaine Bishop ( England )

Liz Blackbourn ( China, DACN Chair, GDC Comms , WI Team Lead, DPCA Voter )

Connie Borde ( France, Voting Rep )

Kendra Borgen ( Netherlands, Voting Rep )

Robert Bragar ( the Netherlands, DPCA Voting Representative - Netherlands )

Julia Bryan ( Czech Republic, Chair, DA Czech Republic )

Julia Buchanan ( Canada, Co-Vice Chair-Canada )

Maya Buchanan ( UK, DPCA Voting Rep DAUK; former Global Voter Protection Chair )

Eric Wasson Burns ( Switzerland*, Chair of Democrats Abroad Switzerland )

Anne-Marie Buzatu ( Switzerland )

Juan Cerda ( France , Chair of Democrats Abroad Paris )

John Chudy ( Guatemala, Vice Chair )

Max Dunitz ( France, CC Vice Chair )

Kee Evans ( Guatemala, Chair, DA Guatemala )

Nancy fina ( Italy , Country Chair Italy )

Angela Fobbs ( Germany, Chair, Wiesbaden-Mainz Region Chapter )

Dana Freling ( Finland, Chair, Finland, Chair ECCC )

Tré Shawn L. Griffin-Noordermeer ( Netherlands , Chair )

Patricia Harrison ( uk )

Richard Hartheimer ( Ireland, Vice Chair, DA Ireland )

William Hinchberger ( France )

Adrienne Johnson ( United Kingdom, DPCA Voting Rep - UK, Global Black Caucus Steering Committee )

Elizabeth Kelly ( United Kingdom )

Helenka Kinnan ( Italy, Italy Secretary )

Angela Kitchen ( United Kingdom )

Inge Kjemtrup ( United Kingdom , DAUK DPCA representative and Executive Committee member )

Wen-Wen Lindroth ( United Kingdom, Chair, Democrats Abroad UK )

Martha McDevitt-Pugh ( Netherlands, DNC Representative, Co-Chair LGBTQ+ Caucus )

Brett McHargue ( United Kingdom , DAUK Vice Chair )

John R. Meyer ( Canada )

José Miguel Madrigal ( Costa Rica )

David Mivasair ( Canada )

Ron Ortiz Dinkel ( Ecuador, Vice Chair )

Gretchen Pascalis ( France, 2nd vice chair, DA France )

Brenton Pharis ( Czech Republic , Vice Chair, Czech Republic )

Carmelan Polce ( Australia , DPCA Voting Member )

Stephanie Randall ( United Kingdom, DPCA Voting Representative )

Chris Reilly ( Spain, Chapter Chair DA Barcelona )

Caroline Ruchonnet ( United Kingdom, DAUK ExCom, EMEA dRVC )

Nicole Satullo ( UK, DAUK ExCom Member, DPCA Voting Rep, Former Oxford Chapter Chair, Former DAUK Secretary )

David Schellenberg ( Canada )

Robert Scott ( Germany , DPCA Voting Representative )

Suma Shamanna ( India, Chair, DA India )

Ada Shen ( France, Immediate Past Chair; DPCA Voting Rep )

Patti Shields ( Ireland, IRL Chair )

Christina Skovsgaard ( Norway, Chair DA Norway )

Joseph Smallhoover ( France, DNC Member )

Patrick Soricone ( Italy, Voting Rep Italy )

Monica Tanouye ( UK, DAUK Executive Committee Member )

Neal Taylor ( )

Bob Vallier ( Italy, Vice Chair Italy )

Christine Valverde ( New Zealand, Chairperson. Democrats Abroad NZ )

Liz Voss ( Switzerland, Vice Chair, Switzerland )

Brian Westley ( United Kingdom )

Quaide Williams ( Germany , Voting Rep )

DA members who are not DPCA members

Carol Adamson ( Sweden )

Gil Anav ( Mexico )

Anne Christine Anderson ( Italy )

Peter Anderson ( Canada )

L Arbuckle ( UK )

Richard Archer ( Thailand )

José Félix Arias ( Perú )

Jennifer Baer-Engel ( Germany )

Mitch Bilderbeck ( United Kingdom )

Julia Bojko ( United Kingdom )

Emily Born ( Germany )

Christa M. Bosch, Esq. ( UK, Former DAUK Ex Comm member - 2017-2021 )

Wayne Boucher ( United Kingdom )

Anne Brady ( Ireland , Counsel )

Charles M Bruce ( United Kingdom )

Peter Butterfield ( Switzerland, Co-chair, Suisse Romande Chapter, DA Switzerland )

Alex Buzatu ( Switzerland )

Daniel Buzatu ( Switzerland )

Nick Buzatu ( Netherlands )

Paula Cagli ( Belgium )

Susan Cameron ( United Kingdom )

Elaine Capizzi ( UK, DAUK Non-voting Representative )

Robert Carolina ( United Kingdom, General Counsel, DAUK )

Vincenzo Casolaro ( Italy )

Scott Chase ( United Kingdom )

Alan Cheilek ( United Kingdom, DPCA Representative )

Sharon E. Cregier ( Canada )

Charla Devereux ( United Kingdom )

Lesley Dwyer ( United Kingdom )

Jeffrey Edison ( Belgium, Treasurer )

Christina Edland ( France )

Sheri Eklund ( Sweden, Treasurer, DA Sweden )

Karen Englander ( Canada )

Mickey Farrance ( France, Secretary DAFrance Grenoble )

Brenda Fasnacht ( United Kingdom )

SUSAN FITOUSSI ( FRANCE, Chapter Chair and DPCA replacement )

Judith Fox ( Canada, Vice Chair, Victoria Chapter, Canada )

andrew frankel ( canada )

Tilly Gaillard ( France )

Lesley Gallagher ( United Kingdom, Co-Chair Voter Assistance and Support )

Rob Genest ( Ireland )

Phillip Hunter Gilfus ( United Kingdom )

Mary Gizzie-Voigt ( Germany )

Amanda Glaeser-Bligh ( Germany )

Tanja Gohlert ( Belgium )

Bob Gould ( UK, Co-Editor of VMF Newsletter )

Ann Inese Graul ( Spain , Secretary, Democrats Abroad Barcelona )

Carol Grose ( UK, former DPCA )

Bartley Grosserichter ( Germany )

Arif Hamid ( Germany )

Eve Hersov ( Montgomery )

Ann Hesse ( Germany , Chair, DA Global Women's Caucus )

Elizabeth Hill ( United Kingdom )

David Johnstone ( France )

Sandra Keegan ( Belgium, Counsel DA Belgium )

Geoff Klimko ( Czech Republic, Treasurer )

Margaret Lamb ( Canada )

Esther Lofgren ( Germany, Chair, DA Germany Kaiserslautern-Saarland Region Chapter )

Bruce Marks ( Canada )

Natalie McNelis ( Belgium )

John McQueen ( Germany, Former Regional Vice Chair EMEA )

John F. Miller ( Spain )

Pam Miller ( Belgium, DABelgium Membership Mobilzation lead )

Daniel Monteleone ( Belgium )

Carol Moore ( UK, Chair, DA Candidate Events Committee )

Dale Morris ( UK - England )

TJ Mulloy ( Ireland , Treasurer Ireland )

Jeanne Oliver ( France, Member DAF )

Julia Olson ( Great Britain )

Erick Payne ( Sweden )

Amy Peaceman ( Germany, Former Germany Vice Chair/ Chair and Delegate to National Convention 2000 )

Gladys Cagle Pieniazek ( Germany )

Cynthia Poulin ( Canada )

Daniele Presser ( Australia )

Jacqueline S Pruskin ( UK )

Michael Ramos ( Australia )

James Regent ( Japan )

Evelyn Riera ( Germany )

Kathy Rothschild ( Costa Rica, DACR Treasurer )

Terese Sarno ( Germany/USA, Co-Chair, DA Germany Veterans and Military Families Caucus )

James Savage ( Philippines )

John Scardino ( UK )

Bryan Schell ( France )

Ron Schlundt ( Germany, former member of Democratic National Committe for DA, former Germany Chair, former EMEA Vice Chair )

Susan Schoenfeld Harrington ( UK )

Brenda Speck Muellner ( Austria )

Jeff Steiner ( France )

Jonathon Strauss ( Australia )

Matthew Swank ( United Kingdom )

Salli Swartz ( France, Steering committee GWC, Chair Reproductive Justice Team, former VC DAF )

Anthony Temperante ( Czech Republic )

Nina Tichman ( Germany )

Travis Todd ( Germany )

Kathleen Torpie ( New Zealand )

Mark Uhrich ( France )

Marie Veeder ( United Kingdom )

Sylvia Wallach Squire ( UK )

Diane Winkleby ( United Kingdom )

Nathan R. Zaccai (former DPCA, DAUK; DA 2020 platform committee member) ( United Kingdom )

Naomi Zurcher ( Switzerland )

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