Logo Specification notice from ExCom, September 2014

Logo Specification notice from ExCom, September 2014


 - Democrats Abroad logo files and usage guidelines on DA wiki. Follow guidelines to help DA develop a consistent appearance.

 - Custom logos for Country Committees and Chapters, consistent with the guidelines, are recommended and available on request.


Dear Leaders,

Our Democrats Abroad logo appears on posters, business cards, buttons, and several sites online. The DPCA ExCom commissioned a detailed specification of the primary Democrats Abroad logo by Angela Norwood, a graphic designer with a long history with DA.

We ask that you follow the Democrats Abroad Logo Usage and Branding Guidelines from this point forward. That document is available, along with new standardized logo files, on the DA wiki at:


The logo files will be available in an expanding number of formats in the weeks to come.

You'll notice that the guidelines do not deviate much from the best practices of the past. The most significant change is that the word "Abroad" is no longer larger than "Democrats" (to reduce emphasis on the former). When the words appear on two lines, they should be left-justified. Please consult the guide for precise instructions.

Global websites will comply with the guidelines over the coming months. All the branding experts that we consulted emphasized that it is important to have a consistent appearance among all the DA committees and affiliates.

For that reason, Angela will provide Country Committee and Chapter logos with a standardized appearance. We request that you replace any ad-hoc local graphics with the official logo that we provide. The ExCom seeks to have a consistent logo, everywhere, within about a year.

Those Country Committees that send a request to secretary@democratsabroad.org will receive their logos first. All Country Committee logos will be posted to the DA wiki as a resource, in due course.

If you have questions or need help, please contact me at secretary@democratsabroad.org.


Will Bakker

on behalf of the DPCA Executive Committee

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