Non-CC Voting Rep Elections -March 2023

Non-Country Committee DPCA Voting Representative Elections – March 2023

Election notifications and announcements for the first Non-CC Voting Rep elections since the passage of Charter Amendment §5.7 in August 2021.

Election Timeline:

  • 23 Feb 2023 – Call for Candidate Nominations e-mail announcement sent to all Non-CC Members

  • 6 March 2023 – Candidate Application and Statement submission deadline

  • 9 March 2023 – Non-CC DA membership deadline for eligible voters

  • 10 March 2023 – Distribution of Ballots/voting instructions and Candidate Statements to Non-CC eligible voters

  • 10 - 22 March 2023 – open voting via on-line Ranked Choice Voting ballot and Candidate Forum discussion period

  • 22 March 2023, Midnight voter’s local time – close of voting period

  • 25 March 2023 – Election Results Reporting meetings for each of 3 Regions (Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), and Americas.


Non-CC Voting Rep Call for Nominations - DA Website

(posted: 22 Feb 2023)


Non-CC Voting Rep Call E-mail Announcement - to all Non-CC DA members

(sent: 23 Feb 2023)


PDF Balllot versions

(For for voters unable to use the RankedVote on-line ballot and for the archival record.)

Asia-Pacific Region
Non-CC Ballot


EMEA Region
Non-CC Ballot


Americas Region
Non-CC Ballot



Non-CC Voting Representative Election Results

(Presentation from Election Results Reporting Meetings)

2023 Non-CC Election Report and Recommendations for Running Future Elections

– Final Report and Recommendations of the Non-CC Nominations and Elections Committee (Non-CC NEC)
Submitted: April 2023


2023 Non-CC Election Report and Recommendations



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