It's Here! Your Toolkit for Debate Week


June Presidential Debate Toolkit 

On June 27, the first presidential debate of 2024 will take place. As we gear up for this crucial event, we must remember that our democracy and freedoms hang in the balance this November, and it will take the collective power of grassroots supporters like you to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme MAGA agenda. This debate will showcase the stark contrast between President Biden and Donald Trump’s vision for America and remind voters that President Biden is fighting to keep our country moving forward and make life better for every American. This supporter guide will equip you with the necessary tools to actively engage and take action during the debate, ensuring that the president’s message is heard loud and clear. Let's work together to make a difference!

Table of Contents

Why this Debate Matters

This debate is not just a political event, it’s a pivotal moment in our fight to protect our freedoms and democracy. While the opposition floods the airwaves with misinformation, President Biden and Vice President Harris are counting on this team to amplify their message of positivity and progress, reminding voters that this election is more than Democrat vs Republican; it’s about protecting our democracy versus someone who says they are going to be a dictator on “day one and a forward-looking vision for the future versus revenge and retribution. Every voice counts at this moment, and your engagement can help shape the future of our country. Let's ensure that this debate propels us towards a victory for democracy and freedom.  

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