Blog from 26-Oct-2022

Monday, October 24, 2022



  • DNC Chair Harrison’s bus tour to get out the vote continues: Today, Chair Harrison along with Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff are in North Carolina to get out the vote for Democrats up and down the ballot. The event is the latest stop on the tour, which includes stops in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania to encourage voters to make a plan to vote. Read more on the DNC GOTV Bus Tour here.

  • DNC Chair Harrison discusses stakes in November: Over the weekend, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison joined Tiffany Cross on MSNBC’s Cross Connection and Al Sharpton’s PoliticsNation to discuss voter enthusiasm, the DNC’s historic investments, and what’s at stake in the midterm elections.

  • Republicans are hellbent on cutting Social Security and Medicare: If Republicans gain power in the midterm elections, they’re preparing to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, even if it means putting America’s fiscal future at risk and jeopardizing the health and wellbeing of millions of Americans. Read more in POLITICO, and uplift this tweet from the DNC War Room.


22 million - The number of Americans who have applied for the Biden-Harris administration’s student loan debt relief.


DNC Press: ICYMI: DNC Chair Jaime Harrison Joins Georgia Democrats to Get Out the Vote in Atlanta

DNC Press: DNC, PA Dems, DSCC, and DCCC Joint Statement on Latest Pennsylvania Mail Ballot Ruling

@harrisonjaime: #GOTV … do you want to help?  We are making calls every day into Battleground states like Nevada and Wisconsin… join us [LINK]

@harrisonjaime: They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. Republicans are completely hellbent on cutting YOUR hard-earned Social Security benefits — even if they have to risk crashing the economy. 


MAGA Hot Mic: Georgia Governor Brian Kemp 


Please amplify some of our top content from DNC channels below:

Under President @JoeBiden, the economy has added over 10 million jobs—more than any other president at this point in their first term in office. @TheDemocrats (Twitter), (Facebook)

Reminder: 43 Senate Republicans voted to scrap the $35 cap on out-of-pocket insulin costs from the Inflation Reduction Act. We need to vote them out in the midterm elections. @TheDemocrats (Twitter), (Facebook)

Republicans want to double down on their tax giveaway to the ultra-wealthy and corporations if they take power. They are out of touch with the American people. @TheDemocrats (Twitter)

Let's look at the facts: The federal deficit went up every single year in the Trump administration. On my watch, things have been different. The deficit has come down both years that I've been in office. @JoeBiden (Twitter), (Facebook)

Want to help amplify the DNC’s message online? Join the DNC’s Greenfly to start receiving daily content updates and access to social media resources. Click here to download the app and use code: DEMSTALKERS at sign up.


AP: Biden to visit Democratic headquarters as Election Day nears

New York Times: Opinion: Turns Out Sometimes the Government Can Get Things Right

AP: One hug and one selfie at a time, Biden’s mission to connect

Politico: House GOP's 2023 forecast: Fiscal warfare

Fortune: Ignore the analysts’ misinformation oil slick: Biden is making real progress on energy

USA Today: Biden administration vows tougher oversight of poor-performing nursing homes with safety issues


In the afternoon, the president will visit the Democratic National Committee headquarters and deliver remarks.

Later, the president and the first lady will participate in a tree planting ceremony. 

In the evening, the president and the first lady will host a reception to celebrate Diwali in the East Room. The vice president will attend. 


@POTUS: The deficit fell by $1.4 trillion this year. That's the largest one-year drop in American history.

@AndrewJBates46: .@SenSanders: "You know what [congressional Republicans are] talking about? Cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Is that irresponsible? It is absolutely irresponsible. You don't use the debt ceiling to do that." [LINK]

@HerbieZiskend46: .@POTUS: “I find no rational reason why assault weapons should be able to be sold. Period.” [VIDEO]

@HerbieZiskend46: .@POTUS to @CapehartJ: "There's only one reason I think to be in public life, I really mean it, can you make life better for other people? And there is no place you have a better opportunity to do that than as President of the United States."

@nowthisnews: ‘It’s not gonna happen as long as I’m president’ — Pres. Biden emphasizes how damaging Sen. Lindsey Graham’s abortion ban would be and promises to veto it 


Tuesday, October 25, 2022



  • President Biden visits DNC HQ: Yesterday, President Biden spoke at DNC headquarters to emphasize the choice between two vastly different visions for the country. The Biden-Harris agenda is rebuilding the economy for working families, while Republicans will increase costs, make inflation worse, and give into the super wealthy and special interests.

  • DNC Chair Harrison’s bus tour to get out the vote continues: Today, Chair Harrison will continue to get out the vote in North Carolina with a stop in Raleigh today, meeting with Black clergy and attending a GOTV event with North Carolina Democrats, Cheri Beasley, and Dave Matthews Band. The events are the latest stops on the tour, which includes stops in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania to encourage voters to make a plan to vote. Read more on the DNC GOTV Bus Tour here.

  • Republicans are hellbent on cutting Social Security and Medicare: If Republicans gain power in the midterm elections, they’re preparing to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block, even if it means putting America’s fiscal future at risk and jeopardizing the health and wellbeing of millions of Americans. Read more in POLITICO, and uplift this tweet from the DNC War Room.


$1.4 trillion — The amount the deficit fell in FY 2022, the largest one-year drop in American history, under President Biden’s leadership and economic agenda.  


@harrisonjaime: I’m on the ground in NC and I feel the energy … @CheriBeasleyNC is going to win!  Let’s do this!!! @NCDemParty #GOTVBlue [LINK]

@harrisonjaime: Always a good time getting out the vote — even better doing it with my friend @DouglasEmhoff. Had a blast in Charlotte today supporting @CheriBeasleyNC and Dems up and down the ballot. [PHOTO]


MAGA Hot Mic: New York GOP Congressional Candidate Anthony “Don’t Quote Me” D’Esposito

DNC War Room: Republicans Are “Hellbent” On Playing Games with the Economy to Cut Social Security & Medicare


Please amplify some of our top content from DNC channels below:

Thanks to President @JoeBiden’s Inflation Reduction Act, insulin costs for seniors on Medicare will be capped at $35 a month. Every Republican in Congress voted against it. @TheDemocrats (Twitter)

Democrats are building a better America for everyone, with an economy that grows from the bottom up and the middle out. Republicans are doubling down on their mega MAGA trickle-down economics that benefits the very wealthy. It failed the country before, and would fail us again. @JoeBiden (Twitter), (Facebook)

If we elect two more Democratic senators and keep control of the House, here is my promise to the American people: The first bill I will send to Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade. When passed, I will sign it in January—50 years after Roe was decided the law of the land. @JoeBiden (Twitter), (Facebook)

Want to help amplify the DNC’s message online? Join the DNC’s Greenfly to start receiving daily content updates and access to social media resources. Click here to download the app and use code: DEMSTALKERS at sign up.


The Hill: White House ups ‘Made in America’ requirements for federal procurements

ABC News: After getting COVID-19 booster, Biden to announce new initiatives alongside pharmacy execs

The Hill: Biden gives ‘closing message’ for midterms in Democratic National Committee speech

USA Today: White House fires back in court against block on student loan debt forgiveness


In the afternoon, the president will receive his updated COVID-19 vaccine and will deliver remarks on the ongoing fight against the virus.

At 9:45 AM ET, the vice president departed Washington, D.C. en route to Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

At 12:45 PM MT, the vice president will deliver remarks at a finance event with Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM). 

At 2:30 PM MT, the vice president will join Governor Grisham (D-NM) and Dr. Eve Espey, MD, MPH, for a moderated conversation on protecting reproductive rights. This conversation at The University of New Mexico will be live-streamed on

At 3:50 PM MT, the vice president will depart Albuquerque, New Mexico en route to Seattle, Washington. 

The vice president will remain in Seattle overnight. 


@POTUS: Prices at the pump are down for the second week in a row. And the most common price in the U.S. is back down to $3.49 a gallon. Folks, we’re moving in the right direction.

@POTUS: Put Congressional Republicans’ entire plan together, and it would add about $3 trillion to the deficit. And they love to call Democratic leaders “big spenders.” Give me a break.

@POTUS: Exactly one week ago, we launched our application where folks could apply for student loan debt relief. Over 22 million people provided the information we need to consider them for relief. The response from Republican officials? Sue the federal government and block that relief.

@WhiteHouse: Republicans in Congress want to cut taxes for the wealthy, and cut Social Security and Medicare for seniors.

@WHCOS: Gas prices fell AGAIN overnight -- we are into the third week of declining prices.  The bottom line:

️  Most common pump price in US is $3.49


Talking Points on President Biden’s Visit to DNC HQ:

  • President Biden made his closing argument yesterday on the choice before voters in just over two weeks.

  • It's a choice between two vastly different visions for the country.

  • The president and congressional Democrats' vision to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out.

  • And, congressional Republicans' MAGA trickle down economic vision that benefits the super wealthy and corporations, while everyone else struggles to get by.

  • The president and congressional Democrats inherited from Trump and MAGA Republicans an economy in disarray and a mismanaged pandemic response. We've helped create 10 million jobs, are lowering prescription drug and health care costs, and are bringing back manufacturing. Gas prices are entering their third week of declines. And, millions of Americans are applying for student debt relief. That's the Biden agenda rebuilding the economy so it works for working families.

  • Congressional Republicans will increase costs, make inflation worse, and give into the super wealthy and special interests. The congressional Republican plan is very different: give Big Pharma the power to increase drug prices, cut taxes for the wealthy and let profitable companies get away with paying $0 in federal taxes, and cut Social Security and Medicare. In fact, congressional Republicans will threaten the very foundation of the American economy in order to cut programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Talking Points on getting updated COVID-19 booster:

  • Today, the president will deliver a clear message to the American people: Get your updated vaccine as soon as possible to ensure a safe holiday season.

  • While COVID-19 is no longer the disruptive force it once was, winter is coming and the virus is evolving, so Americans must use the tools we have to stay protected.

  • The updated vaccine is our best protection against the version of COVID-19 we’re fighting right now.

  • Most people will only need one shot to stay protected all year. One shot – once a year. Just like a flu shot in the fall protects you all year. It’s free, safe, effective – and easy and convenient to get.

  • Over 20 million people have already gotten their updated COVID-19 vaccine, including 1 in 5 seniors, and we’re working hard to reach everyone – particularly higher-risk folks – with this message.

    • Today, HHS is launching new national and local TV, radio and print ads, as well as social and digital ads, reaching Black, Latino, Rural, and AAPI communities, and people ages 50+. 

    • On Wednesday, HHS will launch a new push to work with national and community-based organizations to reach folks where they are with information and pop-up clinics. From Head Start locations, to nursing homes, to community health centers – and even the NASCAR Cup Series Championship in AZ in early November.

    • This week, Medicare is sending an email reminder about the updated COVID-19 vaccines to 16 million seniors – and over the next two months, reach over 5 million callers to the 1-800-Medicare hotline during Medicare Open Enrollment.

    • Local pharmacies are mobilizing – making it easy for people to just walk in and get their vaccine right away, standing up community-based clinics where people are, sending millions of texts and emails, and offering coupons off purchases for getting vaccinated.

  • The president will emphasize today that getting Americans their updated COVID-19 vaccine and managing this winter will require everyone – community organizations, doctors, and state, local, education, business, and faith leaders – to step up and do their part.

  • Bottom line: We have the tools we need to protect people, and this winter doesn’t have to be like the last two winters. For most Americans, get the updated vaccine as soon as you can, and you and your family will be in good shape ahead of the holidays. And, if you do get sick, there are widely available and easily accessible tests and treatments that will help keep you out of the hospital.




Hi everyone – Today, President Biden penned an op-ed in CNN on the choice before voters in two weeks. We would appreciate your help in uplifting this op-ed. 

CNN: Joe Biden: In 14 days, the American people face a choice

“But all of our progress is at risk. The American people face a choice between two vastly different visions for our country. Republicans in Congress are doubling down on mega, MAGA trickle-down economics that benefit the wealthy and big corporations. They’ve laid their plan out very clearly. It would raise your costs and make inflation worse.”

“Democracy is being put to the test in America. We are learning what every generation has to learn: nothing about democracy is guaranteed. You have to defend it. Protect it. Choose it.” 

@JoeBiden: Democracy is being put to the test in America. You have to defend it. Protect it. Choose it. We must decide whether we keep moving forward or go backwards. [LINK]

@JDiamond1: Biden says "the stakes couldn’t be higher. And the choice couldn’t be clearer" in op-ed 2 weeks from elex. Distills his closing argument in the final sentence: "In 14 days, the American people will decide whether we keep moving forward or go backwards." [LINK]

@Phil_Mattingly: "In 14 days, the American people will decide whether we keep moving forward or go backwards."@POTUS takes takes to @CNN with his closing argument: [LINK] 

Thanks so much,
Elena Kuhn
Senior Spokesperson

October 25, 2022

Day 14 Update

We are two weeks out from Election Day and AAPI Democrats are already casting their ballots. Join us as we activate  AAPI voters to support Democrats up and down the ballot and be the Margin of Victory!


Welcome to our AAPI Women Wednesdays where we will come together from now until Election Day this will serve as the one stop shop to get AAPI women directly involved with the GA Votes 2022 Coordinated Campaign operation for volunteer opportunities. To help elect Stacey Abrams to governor, re-elect Senator Warnock, and other Georgia Democrats up and down the ticket we’re going to need ALL hands on deck! Welcome to our family!

Grassroots Event with President Obama

Friday, October 28

Join us for a grassroots event on October 28 in Atlanta with President Obama! There’s so much at stake in the upcoming election, and it’s imperative that we elect Georgia Democrats up and down the ballot in just a few short weeks. Join us to hear directly from special guests, and learn more about how you can get involved with the organizing efforts TODAY.

Photo attribution: Adam Schultz / Biden for President. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.



Join South Asians for America NH Phonebank to mobilize AAPI in the state for 2022 midterm election!


Join North Carolina Democratic Party Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus, Asian Pacific Islander Outreach (APIO), South Asians for America and other AAPI Coalition groups to make calls to AAPI voters in North Carolina to turn out the vote in support of Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.

Reproductive Rights, Voting Rights and Fundamental Human Rights are on the ballot this November and AAPI Voters can be the margin of victory in helping to elect Democratic candidates like Justice Cheri Beasley to the US Senate, Senators Jay Chaudhuri & Mujtaba Mohammed to the NC State Senate, Maria Cervania, Ya Liu and Eric Terashima to NC State House, Senator Wiley Nickel to the US House, Judge Lucy Inman to the NC Supreme Court.


WisDems AAPI Coalition Phonebank

Join us at our weekly phonebank to talk with South Asian & Desi Wisconsinites about issues that matter to them & why we are mobilizing to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot!

Madison Hmong New Year

9 AM-6 PM, Sat, Nov 5 & Sun, Nov 6
Join us at Madison Hmong New Year to celebrate our Hmong community & reach out to voters about the upcoming election!

Multicultural Friendbanking w/ FASO & Alder Syed Abbas

Join the Filipinx American Student Organization to learn how to increase voter engagement with your friends and sing some karaoke with former Madison Common Council President Syed Abbas! Food will be provided.

NOTE: SATURDAYS, 4:00 to 6:00 pm ET

Join South Asians for America (SAFA), Marlboro Democrats and AAPI community members across the country in calling AAPI voters in Representative Andy Kim's Congressional District!

Andy Kim grew up in NJ and is now raising his kids down the street from where he grew up. He is a dedicated public servant who has worked hard to support small businesses, serve our veterans, and keep money in the pockets of NJ-03’s working families.

National Partners

Come join comedians Maria De La Ghetto and Erick Esteban and Filipino Americans for America on the last Wednesday of Filipino American History Month to get out the Filipino American vote! Join us on October 26 at 5 p.m. PT to phone bank for Jay Chen, candidate for California's 45th Congressional District and the Nevada Democratic ticket!

With special guest NY Assembly candidate Steven Raga!

October 25, 2022

President Biden's Remarks on Updated COVID-19 VaccineToday, President Biden delivered a clear message to the American people: Get your updated vaccine as soon as possible to ensure a safe holiday season. The updated vaccine is our best protection against the version of COVID-19 we’re fighting right now. Most people will only need one shot to stay protected all year. One shot – once a year. Just like a flu shot in the fall protects you all year. It’s free, safe, effective – and easy and convenient to get.

The President's message is clear, we have the tools we need to protect people, and this winter doesn’t have to be like the last two winters. Get the updated vaccine as soon as you can, and you and your family will be in good shape ahead of the holidays.
Watch President Biden's Remarks Here

FACT SHEET: President Biden to Announce Additional Efforts to Help Americans Get Their Free, Updated COVID-⁠19 Vaccine This Fall