Join Us in Spreading the Word on Resistance Summer

Dear DNC Member,

As you know, this summer the DNC is partnering with state parties and progressive groups across the country to launch Resistance Summer, a 50-state program to put the focus of the Party back on organizing. Yesterday, we launched our kickoff video featuring many of our friends and allies. We’d love to have you share this video with your own networks, and we’re sending along some sample content that will help you do so. Please share or tweet this out at some point today – and we appreciate your support!
[SHARE] When we empower, organize, and mobilize grassroots energy across the nation, good things happen. Join the fight this Resistance Summer at
[TWEET] Democrats are investing in organizing in every community. We want you to be a part of the fight. #DemsRESIST
[TWEET] Let’s make this moment into a movement. All this local energy lays the foundation for our ground game. #DemsRESIST


Jason Rae
Democratic National Committee

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