Calendar Explanations

Calendar Explanations

Complete list of calendars on these pages

  1. The DA Common Calendar is the combination of the following 4 DA Online Meeting Calendars

    1. Global Events and DA Webinars scheduled on the Global Zoom Account

    2. DA Meetings Scheduled on the DA Webex account

    3. DA Global Caucus meetings scheduled on the DA Caucus Zoom Accounts

    4. International DA Internal Meetings


Global Zoom Events

Events for Members that have global significance. They have been submitted using the Events Form and have been approved by the International Chair. These events are using the Global Zoom account and can be either in meeting or webinar format. A Global Email will be sent to membership 3 days before each Global Event.

DA Webinars

Events for Members that are using the webinar module on the Global Zoom account. These webinars are submitted using the Events Form and the Webinar usage is approved by the global chair.

DA Events/Meetings using Webex

Events or meetings scheduled by a Certified Webex Host for any DA meeting or event.

Global Caucus Zoom Meetings

Global Caucus events and meetings that are scheduled by the Caucus chair or designated event coordinator on the Caucus Zoom accounts.

International DA Internal Meetings

These are internal DA meetings of international significance. This calendar is maintained by the International Secretary.

Still looking for your meeting?

If you are scheduling your meetings using any other platform (your personal Zoom account, your country Zoom account, Skype, FaceTime), your meeting will NOT appear on the Common Calendar.



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