Charter Res. 15B (Voting Allocations ยง3.6)

Resolution to amend the Democrats Abroad Charter by simplifying and rationalizing t he DPCA voting allocations for Country Committees
Proposed by Merrill Oates (Regional Vice Chair-EMEA; Vice Chair, Hungary)

WHEREAS, it is in the interest of Democrats Abroad to grow our membership and to have fair and proportional voting representation of our membership in DPCA;
WHEREAS, DA seeks to improve the democratic representation of our members through greater participation in DPCA leadership;
WHEREAS, all Country Committees should be encouraged to grow their membership and have that growth recognized with the potential to increase their voting representation in DPCA;
WHEREAS, all DPCA voting members deserve to have fair and equal voting representation within the organization;
WHEREAS, every elected DPCA voting member, including CC Chairs and Vice Chairs, should have at least one vote each when participating in DPCA meetings;
WHEREAS, the current voting allocation formula is complicated, unbalanced, and unfairly discriminates against the smallest Country Committees;
WHEREAS, the following simplified voting allocation formula creates a scalable opportunity for many more CCs to potentially increase their voting representation;
WHEREAS, the new formula makes only minor changes to the current number of votes allocated to most Country Committees, as detailed in the following table:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Democrats Abroad Charter shall be amended as follows to simplify and make more fair and participatory the voting allocations for DPCA Country Committees:

Section 3.6 (Voting) shall read as follows:

"(a) Votes shall be allocated to Country Committees annually, in accordance with the certification required under Section 5.4(e), calculated as follows:

    1. Each certified Country Committee receives one base vote.
    2. Each certified Country Committee shall receive one vote for each one-half a percentage (0.5%), or fraction thereof, of the total Verified Democrats Abroad membership count of members living in Country Committees.

Proposed: 22 March 2017

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