Charter Res. 09B (Excom expansion ยง4.1)

Resolution to amend the Democrats Abroad Charter by the addition of two (2) Vice Chairs to serve on the International Executive Committee
Proposed by Maureen Harwood (DPCA member, Canada)

BE IT RESOLVED, that Section 4.1 of the Democrats Abroad Charter shall be amended as follows:
Section 4.1 (Officers)
The elected officers of the DPCA shall consist of:

  1. the International Chair, International Executive Vice Chair, International Treasurer, International Secretary, and International Counsel, no more than two (2) of whom shall be from the same Country Committee at the time of the election.   Such offices shall be held by individuals from at least two (2) different Regions; and

  1. the Three (3) Regional Vice Chairs.; and

  1. up to two (2) Vice Chairs

However, if there is no other candidate for any position, a candidate who would otherwise be ineligible under the previous sentences of this Section 4.1 may be elected.
The Executive Committee shall be comprised composed of these eight (8) ten (10) elected officers of the DPCA.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Section 4.7 of the Democrats Abroad Charter shall be amended as follows:
Section 4.7 (Responsibilities of the International Vice Chair(s))
The International Executive Vice Chair shall replace the International Chair whenever the latter is absent or is incapacitated, and shall have such other duties as may be prescribed by the International Chair. The responsibilities of the Vice Chairs shall be to assist in conducting the day to day business of Democrats Abroad as determined by the International Chair and International Executive Vice Chair.

Proposed: March 21, 2017

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