Charter Res. 03 (Super PACs ยง2.4.c)

Resolution to amend the Democrats Abroad Charter by limiting the involvement of DPCA or DNC members in Super PACs
Proposed by Quaide Williams (Chair, Germany)
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Democrats Abroad Charter shall be amended as follows:

  1. Section 2.4(c) shall be re-classified as Section 2.4(d).

  1. A new Section 2.4(c) shall be inserted prior to the new Section 2.4(d). The text of the new section 2.4(c) shall read as follows:

"To prevent conflicts of interest and ensure commitment to fiduciary duties owed to the DPCA, any DPCA member, including DNC representatives, who (info) serves on the board of a Super PAC with similar goals and responsibilities as the DPCA or, (ii) in their capacity as a member of the DPCA or the DNC, raises money for a Super-PAC, shall be deemed to have resigned from the DPCA and/or their DNC position. The only exceptions are Super PACs founded to support a particular candidate."
Proposed: March 15, 2017

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