2024 Outreach Grants

As we approach the critical upcoming elections, the International ExCom would like to support local voter outreach initiatives with global-level funding throughout late summer and fall as much as possible. We now invite all country committees, country committees in-formation, and non-country committee organizers to submit proposals for local voter outreach projects that you would like to request be financed partially or fully with global-level funds. Potential voter outreach projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Local digital ads

  • Local newspaper ads

  • Radio ads

  • Ads on public transportation

  • Billboards

  • Other print ads (brochures, bumper stickers, yard signs, etc.)

  • Engaging influencers

What is already being done at the Global level:

  • Global Digital ads in English language media

  • Global Digital ads on Linked In

  • Calling and Texting Campaigns

Proposals should be submitted by the respective country chair or non country committee lead organizer. Your proposal should provide general data on your country, its organizing potential, and any relevant metrics from 2022, 2020 and previous election years. 

Specifically, each project requested should detail:

  • Project description

  • The number of eligible U.S. voters you expect to reach

  • Total expense, as well as the amount you’re asking be financed by global-level funds

  • Estimated cost per voter reached 

  • Project dates

  • Project location

  • Project manager(s), i.e. point person

  • Payment process, i.e. direct payment to vendor using global-level funds or reimbursement to local volunteer

  • Anticipated payment date

Parameters for Consideration:

When reviewing proposals, we want to make sure that resources are being used in both the most effective and equitable manner, keeping impact and proportionality in mind across our organization. To this end, we’re providing guidance on what factors will be considered for the allocation of digital ad and voter outreach project funds. 

  • Eligible U.S. voters vs. DA membership in geographic area

  • Existence of and/or activeness of DA group (country committee, chapter, etc.) in geographic area

  • 2024 VFA metrics in country

  • 2020 and 2022 voter turnout performance

  • Estimated number of battleground state voters in country

  • Previous success of the project in geographic area (i.e., did DA get “bang for the buck” in previous election cycles for similar projects)

  • Country committees willingness and ability to fundraise and/or help finance project

  • Local capacity to successfully implement the project

  • For digital ads: which platforms work best locally and global and local teams’ ability to provide support for desired platforms

Proposals should be submitted via this Google form: https://democratsabroad.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AdGrants/pages/7606075398

Download the PDF of the questions on the Funding form:

Please feel free to contact your RVC or the International Chair if you have any questions. 



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