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Definitely an issue or likely to become one
(Discuss action plan with leadership and follow this plan)

(Notify leadership)

Standard (Worth addressing but not a crisis)

You learn protestors or other noisey noisy crowds plan on disrupting your voting center


A negative situation or issue "jumps" – from one place to another, one audience segment to another, one medium to another, etc.

Ex: Situation on Facebook spreads to Instagram ("Did you see this? I saw it on Facebook...")

Ex: Situation in one location spreads to another ("Hey DA Canada supporters - I was kicked out of the Munich polling station for chanting my candidate's name. The party is trying to silence us! Use your voice!")

Ex: Rumors that started out as text-only posts escalate and users are posting selfie videos to share "the truth"

Significant social media trolling/negative conversations about the specific situation at hand (eg, posting about protests outside a polling station, not just general trolls on social media).


Users posting negatively about DA or the global primary on their own pags pages and platforms, instead of just commenting on DA pages.


Users encouraging each other to share negative content about DA/VFA/GPP.

Internet trolls

Additional media picking up on the initial negative story


Blatant "fake news" 

Negative media coverage.


Any media enquiry on a negative situation about DA.

Inaccuracies in media coverage


3. When an issue needs to be addressed, transparently take something "offline" (out of public eye). For example, on social media, if there is a complaint that is worth addressing, respond by saying, "Hi, XX! Let's discuss how we can fix this. We've just sent you a DM for more info."

4. Don't let them see you sweat. If you respond emotionally, it will likely only add fuel to the fire. Be the adults in the room. 


6. Urgent issue or crisis related to comms? Email the contacts listed above, and/or text/whatsapp/call +49 15901910686