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Ask your stateside Alma Mater to help study abroad students Vote From Abroad!

Young voters are INSPIRED and ACTIVE this year, helping to register fellow new voters across the country. But, for the thousands who will study abroad this fall semester, far too many won’t know how to vote from abroad, or even if they can. You can help! Here's how:

  1. Search online for [your alma mater] + [study abroad] + [contact] to find the right person to reach out to


  1. Use the script


  1. to call or send the sample email below (
  2. Email details of your call with contact name, title, phone number and email address to


  1.  and we will follow


  1. up


  1. with them!

Call Script:

  1. Introduction: Hello, my name is [NAME] and I graduated in [YEAR] from [DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE/UNIT/ETC.]. I’m calling to speak with someone about current [UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE] students Studying Abroad. Have I reached the right person?

    1. Answers YES: Great! I currently live in [CITY, COUNTRY] and I know how difficult it can be for US Citizens to vote while living or studying abroad, which is why I volunteer for an organization that helps Americans register to vote and request and submit their ballots while living abroad. Does [UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE] have a plan to help students studying abroad during the 2018 Midterms to vote? (go to 2. Share VfA Information a or b)

    2. Answers NO:Could you connect me with the appropriate person?(begin again from 1)


    1. Answers YES: Wonderful! Can you tell me about it? If you need any additional support for your students, I’d like to send you information about We have great resources to help Americans studying abroad to register to vote and request and submit their ballots, including a Help Desk staffed with absentee voting experts. Can I email information to you? (go to Arrange Follow-Up a or b)

    2. Answers NO or UNSURE: This fall, students from [UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE] have an exciting opportunity to vote in November midterm elections while studying abroad. I am passionate about helping them, which is why I volunteer with We have resources to help Americans studying abroad register to vote and request and submit their ballots, including a Help Desk staffed with absentee voting experts. I have flyers, posters and letters that explain the process for Study Abroad students. Can I send them to you by email? (go to Arrange Follow-Up a or b)


4.  End Call: Thank you so much for your time and for helping students to vote!

5.  Follow Up: Send Follow-Up Email (below) to US Colleges and Universities and CC:


Introduction Email to US Colleges & Universities

**Please CC:**


I am an [ALUMNUS/ALUMNA] of [UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE, Class of XXXX], currently living in [CITY, COUNTRY]. I know how difficult it can be for US Citizens to vote while living or studying abroad, which is why I volunteer for, an organization that helps Americans living abroad register to vote and request and submit their absentee ballots.

This fall, students on-campus will hear about the importance of voting in the 2018 Midterm Elections. There will be on-campus voter registration drives and information about candidates and issues. But students studying abroad may not receive the same information or support. can help.

How it works:

  • We provide posters and flyers, letters, emails and social media posts to help you communicate information about voting from abroad to students.

  • Students can use to register to vote and request their absentee ballot. Our online Help Desk is available for any questions or issues they may encounter during the process.

Midterms Elections are November 6th and ballots are sent out about 40 days before the election, so now is the time to remind students to register to vote.

One of the great advantages of Study Abroad is that students develop a new appreciation of American democracy, and why their right to vote is fundamental to that enterprise. We want to make sure their right to vote is not lost in the exciting and overwhelming transition to life abroad.

I am happy to answer any questions you have and look forward to hearing back from you soon.


[Your Name/Contact Information]

Follow Up Email

**Please CC:**


As I mentioned during our call, I am an [ALUMNUS/ALUMNA] of [UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE, Class of XXXX], currently living in [CITY, COUNTRY]I know how difficult it can be for US Citizens to vote while living or studying abroad, which is why I volunteer for, an organization that helps Americans living abroad register to vote and request and submit their absentee ballots.

This fall, students on-campus will hear about the importance of voting in the 2018 Midterm Elections. There will be on-campus voter registration drives and information about candidates and issues. But students studying abroad may not receive the same information or support. can help.

How it works:

  • We provide posters and flyers, letters, emails and social media posts to help you communicate information about voting from abroad to students.

  • Students can use to register to vote and request their absentee ballot. Our online Help Desk is available for any questions or issues they may encounter during the process.

Midterms Elections are November 6th and ballots are sent out about 40 days before the election, so now is the time to remind students to register to vote.

One of the great advantages of Study Abroad is that students develop a new appreciation of American democracy, and why their right to vote is fundamental to that enterprise. We want to make sure their right to vote is not lost in the exciting and overwhelming transition to life abroad.

I am happy to answer any questions you have and look forward to hearing back from you soon.


[Your Name/Contact Information]

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