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Introductory Email to Study Abroad Directors and Program Staff


I am writing you today about encouraging your fall-semester Study Abroad students to vote in the 2020 2022 US general midterm elections! Our goal is We urge you to include overseas voter registration information in students’ orientation materials.

Working through Vote From Abroad  ( , we offer non-partisan voter registration and ballot request assistance so you can easily provide your students the unique experience of voting abroad in this year’s elections. The elections are November 3rd and 8th and ballots are sent out about 45 days before the election (mid-about September 24), so fall orientation is a good time to remind students to register to vote.  This year ALL states will e-mail ballots to overseas Americans, so registering and , if the voter asks when requesting the ballot. Registering, completing and returning ballots is even easier than ever. 

How it works:

  • We provide non-partisan materials to be included in orientation materialspackets, outlining voter registration and /ballot request, receipt and return steps.

  • We provide posters and flyers (ready to print), sample emails, and sample Facebook/Instagram posts to help you communicate the action to your students.

  • We would be happy to provide one on one voter assistance, either via a Zoom meeting or in-person.

  • We are a resource for you and your students. We can answer questions and provide information related to voting from abroad.

One of the great advantages of Study Abroad is that students develop a new appreciation of American democracy, and why their right to vote is fundamental to that enterprise. We want to make sure their right to vote is not lost in the exciting and overwhelming demanding transition to life abroad.

Please let me know if this sounds interesting to you. Thank you for considering working with usto provide overseas voting information to your students. If you have any questions, please let me know!


[Your Name/Contact Information]

Follow Up Email to Study Abroad Directors and Program Staff (after introductory phone call or meeting)


Thank you for making time to speak with me about encouraging your fall-semester Study Abroad students to vote in the 2020 2022 US general midterm elections! Below is additional information about Vote from Abroad.

Working through Vote From Abroad  ( , we offer non-partisan voter registration and ballot request assistance so you can easily provide your students the unique experience of voting abroad in this year’s elections. The elections are November 3rd and 8th and ballots are sent out about 45 days before the election (mid-about September 24th), so fall orientation is a good time to remind students to register to vote.  This year ALL states will e-mail ballots to overseas Americans (if the voter so requests), so registering and completing and returning ballots is even easier than ever. 

How it works:

  • We provide materials to be included in orientation materialspackets, outlining voter registration and /ballot request, receipt and return steps.

  • We provide posters and flyers (ready to print), sample emails, and sample Facebook/Instagram posts to help you communicate the action to your students.

  • We would be happy to provide one on one voter assistance, either via a Zoom meeting or in-person.
  • We are a resource for you and your students. We can answer questions and provide information related to voting from abroad.

One of the great advantages of Study Abroad is that students develop a new appreciation of American democracy, and why their right to vote is fundamental to that enterprise. We want to make sure their right to vote is not lost in the exciting and overwhelming demanding transition to life abroad.

Would you like to be our partner in registering US students to vote? If so, lets make a plan to communication communicate with your students!

Thank you again for considering working with us. If you have any questions, please let me know.


[Your Name/Contact Information]


Introduction Email to Local Study Abroad Program in German


Sehr geehrte(r)

mein Name ist xxx xxxx und ich bin US-amerikanischer Staatsbürger, der in Deutschland lebt. Ich engagiere mich freiwillig bei der internationalen Organisation Vote from Abroad.

Vote from Abroad ist eine überparteiliche Organisation, die allen Amerikanern im Ausland dabei hilft, sich zu registrieren und ihre Briefwahl zu beantragen, da dies für Auslandsamerikaner etwas komplexer sein kann.

Viele amerikanische Studierende, die sich in Deutschland aufhalten, wissen gar nicht, dass sie wählen dürfen. Wir haben durch unsere unparteiischen Informationsangebote schon viele Mitbürger beim Wählen unterstützen können und haben großes Interesse daran, dies auch für amerikanische Studierende an Ihrer Hochschule anzubieten.

Momentan befinden wir uns in der Vorbereitungsphase und suchen für unser Service den richtigen Ansprechpartner an Ihrer Hochschule.

Falls ich bei Ihnen an der falschen Stelle bin, würde ich um eine Weiterleitung dieser Nachricht an die zuständige Kollegin/den zuständigen Kollegen bitten.

Bei Rückfragen stehe ich Ihnen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. Ich danke schon jetzt für Ihre Unterstützung!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Xxx xxxx

Vote from Abroad Student Outreach Team

(Contact info)