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Comment: added more caucus specific language


DA Policy on Contacting Members and Access to Membership Data

Policy Statement and Guidelines on using our membership database as the exclusive tool for communicating with DA members



  • ALL Country, Chapter, and Caucus group emails must ONLY be sent FROM the Nationbuilder platform. This is a firm rule.

    • WHY: Members see the email comes from a DA email address, which is a trusted source.

  •  AND
    • AND: sending from a personal email address outside the DA email domain is ipso facto a breach of your Confidentiality Agreement.  If we find that this has occurred, we will have to suspend your administrative privileges.

  • Keep your


  • Members informed about relevant issues, but be careful not to inundate them with messages.

    • WHY:  We know from our own experience that people receive a lot of political messaging. We want to avoid the dreaded Email Fatigue that leads some to unsubscribe from all DA mailings.

Caucus-Specific Emails:

  • Global level - Send your caucus mailings from your Global Caucus Broadcaster.

  • Country level - Send your proposed emails to your country chair or communications officer.  They will send the email out from the country broadcaster to your members.  This is a change in policy, necessitated by GDPR compliance.

  • IF you need to send more than  one one or two emails in one month, check with the Global Caucus Coordinator or the Int'l ExCom regarding the timing of your email.


  • If you need concrete advice before setting out to do something with DA email or member data, or if you have any questions, email the IT Team at: